Our Top Work From Home Tips

Minneapolis furniture designer


Find your routine to create a feeling of regularity and rhythm in your day; a loose routine and structure can help bring support and comfort to difficult times. 

If your commuting hour is now bonus time in the day, consider adding in a mindfulness practice such as meditation to ease anxieties in the time you might have been travelling. You could also try keeping a diary to empty your mind at the other end of the day which may help to settle a busy mind. 

Give yourself permission to take breaks when concentration flags, get moving and if you can, get some fresh air to help you re-focus on the next task at hand. 

Dress for work. What you wear can have an impact on how motivated you feel; mentally and physically prepare yourself to be productive. This might be a stretch in your PJs on the sofa! 

Working from home alongside home learning became the new normal for a huge number of us, almost overnight. 
So, for those of us still reeling, here are a few thoughts on creating an efficient and effective work environment while you’re at home!


Finding the optimum space in your home to allow for peace, concentration and creativity may not be straightforward. If space is limited you may need to get creative. 

Is there a space that is infrequently used which can be repurposed? A spare room, understairs nook/cupboard or dining room only used for Friendsgiving? Finding an area that allows for dedicated work time, separate from your home life, stands you in good stead to keep healthy, productive boundaries in place.  

If you can't allocate a dedicated workspace, keep it flexible by utilising multi-functional furniture that can be a desk by day and a console table by night; allow yourself to step away from your workload at the end of the day. 


While you'll need a certain amount to hand, keep clutter to a minimum and do your best to keep household paperwork separate. 

Organisation is king. Keep your home office space clean and clear and you'll work better and feel more in control. If storage space is limited, find another area of your home for items and supplies that you use less frequently. 

Make the space your own as far as you can - incorporate your favourite plant, candle or photograph to make it an area of your home you're happy to spend time in. By finding the best place, keeping it organised and adding elements that express who you are, you'll enjoy it more and work better.

Top work from home tips


The key to creating a productive routine for working at home is to understand that you are allowed to take breaks! I create hours that are similar to when I worked in an office. The work hours keep me from going crazy, and they help keep me on track as well! Breaks are important because sometimes you just need some fresh air. If you work in a creative industry, then you know the importance of just stepping away for a few minutes, it can act as a great refresher!

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